Last day of 26


Tomorrow is my 27th birthday and 26 was, well, an interesting year. Let’s review some things that happened, shall we? 

There were many firsts: like river rafting in Moab, going to Alcatraz, and attending Outside Lands. 

There were a few heartbreaks: not getting a job I reallyyy wanted, relationships that didn’t work out, and having my sister move away. 

There were lots of trips: Morro Bay / NYC / St. Thomas / BVI’s / Lake Tahoe / LA / San Diego / Charleston / Boulder / Moab / Richmond / Cooperstown. 

There was progress and growth: finally feeling like I have good skin, my hair grew + got healthy, I created this blog and was able to monetize it.  

There were days I won’t forget: getting two more ear piercings at a sketchy place in the Mission alongside two friends, spending a day alone and discovering my favorite hike, being a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding, and, of course, moving into my own apartment

I’ve felt super anxious leading up to this birthday more than years prior worrying about getting older, being single, and not knowing what’s next. It’s been really helpful to remind myself of everything I have accomplished in the last year and how quickly things can change. I have so many goals and ambitions and am super hopeful they will come into fruition this year. 

27, let’s do this!! 

